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To join us in the 2024/25 Youth Year, please fill out the participation form ASAP!
NSA’s Youth Ministry exists to invite the youth of the North Shore into a relationship with the Triune God, other people, and creation! Our hope is to inspire a passion for Christ in all of life! ____________________________________________
Our community is centered in Christ and rooted in Scripture. Our values are FAITH, FAMILY, and FUN. We strive to be a safe place where teenagers can come to be themselves and find acceptance. We want all young people whom we meet to know that they belong to our community regardless of what they believe. Whether you are a skeptic, seeker, fence-sitter, or committed follower of Christ we want to encourage you!
We love to create opportunities for our youth to meet Jesus in small and large group settings and through serving others both locally and globally. Our hope is to see our students transformed by the Holy Spirit and the power of God’s love through Jesus Christ; and then see them committed more and more to the Christian way of life and mission.
Youth Wednesday Nights:
Our ministry reaches out to grade 8-12 students on the North Shore. We gather together as a large group at the church on Wednesday Nights @ 7pm for music, games, teaching, small group discussion and snacks during the school year!
"Nobody's perfect, EVERYONE is welcome, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!"
Wednesday Nights resume September 11th, 2024!
Check out our current teaching / events schedule in the file below!
Special Events
Throughout the year we have a number of special events such as retreats, camping, theme dinners, etc. you won't want to miss! Check out our events calendar for details on what's happening this year.
Join us for Teen Bible Study (TBS) on certain Sundays between the services from 10:20 - 10:50am.
Make sure you bring your bibles! Parents are encouraged to stick around during this time for some coffee in the foyer.
* TBS is currenlty on hold for the 2024/25 ministry year.