Ways to Give

If you would like to make a financial contribution to North Shore Alliance Church, we offer several methods for you to donate:

  • Bring your cheque or cash donation to the church on Sunday mornings or during office hours: Monday-Friday (9-5pm)
  • Mail a cheque to the church: 201 East 23rd St, North Vancouver, BC, V7L 3E4
  • If you would like to donate using an electronic method, please click on the tabs above to access instructions for e-Transfers, Pre-Authorized Donations, Credit Cards via Paypal and Stock Donations

Whichever payment method you choose, please let us know how you would like us to designate the funds.

Designating Your Donation*

When giving a financial gift, it is preferable to designate your donation to a specific ministry category. You can do this by selecting the category using a giving envelope and entering the amount on the appropriate ministry category line, or adding a note to your electronic donation.

The following is a list of commonly used ministry categories:

  • General Fund - donations to this fund support the church operating budget, including church staff, ministry programs, and building operation expenses.
  • Missions Fund - supports local and international missions and outreach programs. This fund is administered by the Missions and Outreach Team (MOT). Click Here for more information.
  • Care Fund - this fund is used to support people within our community who need financial assistance with practical needs. It includes coffee time ministry and benevolence as administered by the Care Fund committee.
  • Building/Capital Fund - donations to this fund are used for building improvements and capital projects.

*Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by the organization. Should a donor choose to restrict a contribution for use in a particular program or project, we will honour that restriction, with the understanding that, when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the organization, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed.

Official Tax Receipts

Official tax receipts will be issued annually in February for donations made in the previous calendar year in excess of $20. Please provide your full name (including middle initial) and address for tax receipt purposes.

Questions About Donations?

Please email finance@nsac.bc.ca or call the church office at 604-984-6422.