On the night Jesus was born, angels came announcing good news of great joy for all people; God had sent a Saviour. We don't have to look very far to recognize that our world needs saving. Everywhere we look we encounter sickness and disease, selfishness and greed, addictions, broken relationships, and all kinds of evil. In Jesus, God launched a rescue operation designed to bring about the healing and reconciliation of the world. 

In the life, death and resurrection of Jesus we receive the greatest news ever given: we are loved by God, Jesus has done away with our sin and rebellion, and we are invited to join God's family both now and forever. This kind of news is too good to be kept to ourselves. And so we regularly call people to journey across the street and around the world with the good news of Jesus.

If you would like to become involved with this ministry we are looking for new members currently involved in local outreach, passionate for equipping others and implementing the mission-al value (locally & globally) in our church and community.  Please contact Dave Sattler daves@nsac.bc.ca


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