
We believe that a person should be baptized as soon as they are convinced that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and when they have chosen to put their faith in him. The New Testament repeatedly lays down a pattern of firm believing and turning to God, and then baptism. Jesus himself was not baptized until approximately 30 years of age - an act of his own obedience to God the Father. Click Here to Download a copy of our Baptism Brochure. 


When you choose to follow Christ, you automatically become a member of the larger community of faith referred to as "the Church", but you also have the opportunity to make a commitment to a local church family, and that is what we are referring to here.

At NSAC we believe that the world's greatest hope lies in the work God the Father is doing, by his Spirit, in and through the local church, to impact friends, neighbours, and the community with the Good News of Jesus Christ. As a church family, we are passionate about loving Jesus Chrust with our lives and pursuing together the purposes and plans that He desires us to serve through here on the North Shore of Vancouver.

Membership is about coming forward to publicly commit to these things as a church family. It is also about inviting accountability to live out the commitments and values we believe God is calling us to as outlined in our Membership Covenant. Out of the commitment of membership, there is greater opporunity to shape the direction of the church and to participate in the election of leaders, namely our elders. If you would like more information about becoming a member of North Shore Alliance Church, please contact Anne Thicke at

Child Dedication

Child Dedication is an opportunity to thank God for the precious gift of your child, and to publicly declare your intentions to raise him/her in a Christian home. It is also an opportunity to pray for our children, asking God to guide their steps and pursue them all the days of their lives.

If you are interested in signing up for child dedication or are looking for more information on the process please contact

Volunteer Opportunities

If you have been attending NSAC for 6 months or longer, there are many opportunities to get connected while also serving in the church. Some of the areas you could help with include:

  • Sunday Morning - Greeters, Ushers, Coffee Bar, or Welcome Desk Hosts
  • Kids, Preteen or Youth Ministry Leaders
  • Nursery Workers
  • Worship Team - Singers and/or Musicians
  • Sound and/or Media Techs
  • Hospitality
  • Outreach Events
  • Gardening

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the church office at 604-984-6422 or speak with one of our pastors.