Prayer Support:
Below are Missionaries who we no longer financially support, but would like to continue supporting in prayer. Please continue to be praying for the Ministries that Mark, Geff, Gaileen, and Ralph and Ruth are and have been apart of. We are so thankful for all that God has done through them for those in our community and around the world. Please learn more about each of these people by reading below.

Mark Koop
Local Worker serving with Youth Unlimited
Mark Koop has the best job in the world. As Executive Director for Greater Vancouver Youth Unlimited, Mark provides support and leadership to 65 of the most dedicated youth workers on the planet.
Youth Unlimited is reaching out to our most vulnerable youth from across the North Shore and in 8 other cities across the Lower Mainland. YU connects with youth through various programs designed to provide hope and belonging. They feed, clothe, empower, and invite young people to experience life in Jesus. For Mark and the YU staff and volunteers it's so much more than a job, it's a way of life.

Gaileen W.
Alliance International Worker serving with the C&MA
Gaileen W. is with the Canadian Missionary Alliance in the Caribbean sun. The mission of the Caribean sun region is to develop relationships that produce transformational movements expressed through kingdom communities. Gaileen’s personal vision is to love God by obeying and serving Him in whatever area of kingdom work He needs her. She desires to use her gifts of encouragement and teaching to nurture, inspire and develop others with a spirit of joy and enthusiasm. Her goal in these years of ministry is to establish a solid women’s ministry in the house churches. We desire to see Christ formed in the lives of wives of pastors and church planters through intentional mentoring, discipleship and leadership development, in order to strengthen their marriages and families, so that this may serve as a testimony to their house groups and communities.
Geff Harada
Geff Harada is currently involved as a member care worker for Ethnos Canada. Ethnos has over 3000 North American missionaries serving in 20 different countries all over the globe. The needs of these missionaries are vast and unique to each region. It has been a privilege to serve alongside missionaries from the remote tribal areas of the Philippines to the indigenous groups in northern Canada. Having over a decade of involvement in overseas work has allowed Geff and family insight and understanding to the unique needs of missionary life. This role involves creating unique tools to serve the needs of each missionary from debriefing tools, education in MK care and transition, financial well being , video conferences, facilitating web seminars, and funding projects for overseas workers. Encouragement is the perhaps the greatest part of this role and knowing the unique struggles that missionaries face. Seeing missionaries functioning to their greatest ability is extremely rewarding especially those working in remote tribal regions.

Ralph and Ruth Shareski
Retired Alliance International Workers serving with C&MA
Ralph and Ruth Shareski live in White Rock, just retired in August of 2020 after having served over 30 years doing church planting and mobilizing young adults in Germany. They served with the C&MA and now are a part of the Peace Portal Church in South Surrey where they lead a small group and have a prayer ministry. They are also facilitating the Kairos course online, mentoring various individuals. Ruth is managing their website called "More Fire" under and Ralph is writing a book in German based on the call from Jesus to take his yoke upon us. They have three adult children, all married with kids. The oldest and youngest live in Alberta, the middle son married a German who together with their family live in Germany with their three children.