Las Noticias: 

In my last newsletter I expressed that I have been having difficulties enduring the challenges of missions, and I need a lot of prayer enabling me to get through the next few months. Thank you so much for your prayers and support, please don't stop now! 

The next few weeks are going to be very busy — and the rush starts tomorrow! Here is what Summer looks like:

We are continuing to minister to women engaged with prostitution in Mexico City and Pachuca. We have a new connection in Mexico City that we are very excited to work with! We are seeing unbelievably high potential for these women, and exciting new hope being spread. The upcoming dates for this ministry are June 14, June 28, July 12, and July 26. 

Myself and four others from YWAM Pachuca are going to Izcalli, a city in the State of Mexico, to lead an evangelism conference for pre-teens on June 15. We will be working with a new church denomination, and are really excited to see these kids hearts for reaching the lost! 

Everyone needs the hope that the gospel offers, but oftentimes what someone needs in the moment is an open ear, a hug, and a hot cup of coffee. This is exactly what we do during our hospital prayer ministry nights. The upcoming dates are June 20, and July 11.  

We have a lot of teams coming through the base! From June 24 until July 1 we are hosting a Discipleship Training School outreach from Tyler, Tx; and during that same last week a Biblical Core Course outreach from Ensanadawill be stopping through for a few days. 

Reto Urbano (The Urban Challenge) is happening again this year from July 14-20.  R.U. is week long bilingual training camp for teenagers and young adults. This years theme is A Lifestyle of Worship. It's going to be super fun! The first 3 days are training, youth-conference style, with awesome worship, crazy activities, and ministry focused training times. The middle of the week marks adventure day, and the 5th and 6th days are full of  strategic fun evangelism. This is going to include soccer tournaments, dramas, a stomp routine, kids ministries, and, new this year, a street art/chalk team! Myself and one of my roommates will lead that last one. The final day of R.U. holds the commencement ceremony (party!), and the graduation of our 2012-2013 Reto student leadership team.  Please pray for the 20 staff volunteers, 60 campers, and hundreds of people that will have their lives changed! The week prior to R.U. is staff training week, which is certain to need lots of prayer too! There is still room in the program! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! 

Important Announcement: 

This makes me most nervous out of everything! On August 3 I will be leaving Mexico and moving to Vancouver! This date is approved and blessed by my leadership, and I am looking forward to a new adventure after living in Pachuca for 22 months. 

I have begun to work through missionary re-entry materials, and I've made a rough plan for my move back to Canada. This will include a week of volunteering at Keats Camps, getting a job, a semester in a Bible Core Course through the University of the Nations, and eventually starting university. I have made several visits to Vancouver over the past two years, but everything is different with long-term stay! Please continue to pray for me during my re-entry time. I am excited! 

You have been my supporters. That's huge! When I move home I would love to get together and catch up more. Thank you for everything you have done through prayer, words of encouragement, and financial giving. 

A short reminder for those who give financially, after August 31 I will not be receiving any donations through YWAM Project Funding. If you are set up for automatic online giving through Canada Helps you will need to discontinue your payments by logging into your Canada Helps account.