Hello dear friends,
Thanks for praying for Marbelys, Pastor Yoel's wife, who had surgery on April 17th (Pastor Yoel is the Alliance National Church president). She was released from the hospital today but has three more weeks of recovery at home. The Lord gave Marbelys and Yoel, and other believers who visited Marbelys or would help out with nighttime stays at the hospital, many opportunities to witness to other patients in the ward and pray for them. I've heard of at least one who accepted the Lord. Everyone in the ward was surprised by the number of visitors and helpers Marbelys had during her 12 days in the hospital--Yoel was with her every day during the daylight hours then at home in the evenings with their three kids. Many also rallied to help with the kids on the home front.
Please be in prayer for me May 1 to 3, as I will be traveling out to the center of the Island for meetings with my Women's Ministry Leadership Team. Sadly, Marbelys cannot travel with us but since she lives close by in the capital where I live I can bring her up to speed when I return. Pray that the Lord will continue to use our meeting times to bind us together as a Team. We also need to continue to work on our vision and strategy statement that will give us "tracks" on which to run for the progress of the women's ministry on the Island. We will also be working on the plans for the Pastors' Wives Retreat in October.
Please pray also for the team of Canadian women who will be coming in October during that Retreat. There are many details to work out. We're expecting great things from the Lord through this team.
Thanks for your faithful prayers.
Love in Christ,