Our Annual General Meeting will take place at North Shore Alliance Church on October 19th from 10:15-11:00 am.
In order for an AGM to be duly constituted, we need a minimum of 20% of the membership in attendance; by moving the AGM to the proposed time, we are hoping more members will be available. The 45 minutes in between services will allow us to conduct our necessary business—to receive the Annual Report, to receive the financial statements, to elect Elders, and to elect lay members to the Nominating Committee.
A separate vision night will be held on Sunday, November 23rd to allow the membership and congregation the opportunity to engage in conversation around NSAC’s vision, to ask questions of the Staff and Elders, and to celebrate what God is doing in our midst.
Please mark both of these dates in your calendar—we look forward to seeing you.
The following people are up for election: Julie Gildemeister, Dave Greer, Melissa Mitchell, Ronnie Scott, and Andy Silver. Click Here to read a brief biography for each of the candidates.