We are looking for a number of volunteers to serve with the Preteen Ministry. Particularly, we are in need of 5-6 guys/men to serve as small group leaders at Heinz.
Heinz leaders serve every second Thursday from 7:00-8:30 pm. Leaders mentor students in a small group setting, and also help run games, crafts, and activities during the large group session. They are expected to contribute approximately 2 hours every 2 weeks, plus attend a 1½ hour leaders meeting once per month.
Event leaders serve once per month, typically on a Friday night between 6:30-9:00 pm; although some events are overnight or on a Saturday. Leaders are ready and willing to step up in a variety of roles including: creative planning, running a station, leading a small group in a game, and chaperoning/security. They are expected to contribute approximately 3 hours per month, plus additional time co-planning one event during the year.
If you are interested in helping with the PreTeen ministry or would like more information please contact our coordinator, Jen Tiv, at: jent@nsac.bc.ca