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We arrived from Canada at the Frankfurt airport on December 17th, 2013 to begin our next season of ministry. We had lived over 20 years in Mannheim as our base of operation. But a new chapter opened for us, which included moving from Mannheim about 20 km down the road (the Autobahn of course) to the wonderful city of Heidelberg. We had been checking for apartments online while still in Canada and had already given our Mannheim landlord notice for the end of January 2014. It wasn´t until January 15th that we looked at and then signed a contract on a "new" apartment in Heidelberg. We have now lived here since January 25th (on the top two floors, beginning with the floor just under the tower with the three windows).

It is a wonderful home with a view of the old city and castle. What a strategic location: 5 min by foot to the market and another 5 min to the University! Bless the Lord for His provision.


On Sunday, February 9th, we were commissioned by the church in Mannheim that we helped begin - Haus des Herrn - for the new work in Heidelberg! What an honor to be "sent out" by this congregation and to know their support and blessing. Within a short time, three new ministries will have been "launched" by Haus des Herrn: ours, a new base of ministry in Bensheim and a worship "academy" in Lorsch (near Bensheim) called epicenter. What a joy to see how God is extending His kingdom. Pray for much favour and faith in these new locations.


Jonathan Watland, originally from Winfield, BC, and now from Calgary, AB, will be joining our team mid March. He is a graduate from Ambrose University College in Calgary, has already had European ministry experience and will begin a two-year apprenticeship with us. If you would like to help him by your prayers and or support, let us know by writing us He has a wonderful way about him, very winsome and we believe God will use him greatly in reaching out especially to students here in Heidelberg. He is accredited with the C&MA.

Vision and health

We believe God has given us a clear vision for this new work: out of an atmosphere of worship and prayer to believe that God will raise up a radical apostolic prophetic company of followers of Jesus who will multiply themselves and see the launching of many communities of faith in Heidelberg and beyond. To see this happen, we both (and our small team) need the strength and anointing of the Holy Spirit. My, Ralph's, doctor here in Heidelberg, is quite pleased with my blood values (no sign of cancerous cells), and is working with me on some of the ongoing side-effect issues (long use of medications - bone density loss, taste loss, vision weakening). We are believing God for complete healing. Please join us in trusting Him for health and fruit.