Shareskis have a green light to return to Germany
Many of you have been following the journey that has kept us (Ralph and Ruth) home in Canada for 2 years instead of the planned 6 months. Ralph´s hematologist and the C&MA consulting Doctor have given their medical clearance and their C&MA mission´s leadership have given their "go-ahead" to return. So we are aiming at a return mid-December. We will return to the apartment we have in Mannheim and get ready to move to Heidelberg, our new place of ministry, by the end of January 2014. Thank the Lord, that our landlord has just today agreed to extend our contract to the end of January.
Please pray for favour in finding a good apartment to rent in Heidelberg, for a smooth transition and continued strength for both Ruth and Ralph (especially for his back).
A recent podcast, produced by Tsawwassen Alliance church, interviews us including updates, fun info about Germany, etc. Here is the link: TAC Podcast #6 "What happens in the Black Forest..."