Our move on January 25th went very well. We had about 20 helpers and it was all done within about 5 hours! Then we spent several days cleaning the old apartment and just a few days ago had the "key giving-over" with the old landlord. We were able to make a deal with him as he wanted, rightly so, to have us tear off all the old wallpaper, put up new wall paper and paint everything. This would have take us so much time, money and effort. The deal was that he would keep the damage deposit plus a little extra cash (Euro 400) and we could walk away from the place. Otherwise we would have had to rent it for another month in order to get all the work done he wanted. So that was a blessing.
Now we have been in Heidelberg for just over a week, are still unpacking boxes (I think there are three or four left), finding our way around, praying, reading and believing God for a great start here! We are on the top two floors of this old house. The main floor has the three windows just below the tower. The tower room level is where Jonathan Watland, the apprentice, will live. He hopefully arrives in early March. The house is about a 10 min walk from the University and has an unbelievable view of the castle, old bridge and old city.
Next Sunday, the 9th, we are being commisioned by Haus des Herrn for this new work. We have invitied all our neighbours from Mannheim to the service, partly to introduce them to Haus des Herrn, but also as a way to publicly thank them for their acceptance of us, patience with all the people and events we held, etc. Please pray many will come.
Last week we were also able to finally purchase a vehicle. It is a 2009 Opel Zafira (GM product), is very clean and will serve us well, we trust, for many years! Thanks again for helping us purchase it! Bless you all!
So now we are getting settled but at the same time quite stirred in our hearts about what God has in mind. We are trusting Him for early "low-hanging" fruit!
I, Ralph, am still not able to lift or carry stuff, as my back is still healing, but I am mobile, sleeping horizontally in bed now (as opposed to in a chair!) and getting some osteopathy treatments from a woman in our church. I was just at the doctor here in Heidelberg last week and my blood values are doing very well. They also did an analysis of my blood to check for cancer cells - none found! Bless the Lord for that! I still have a few issues with side affects, but at least I am alive!
I just started reading a book with Ruth called "Kisses from a good God" by Paul Manwaring (from Bethel) in which he describes his journey with cancer. I had heard his message/testimony several years ago, now he has put it in writing! Wonderful perspecitves from a man in a church that experiences so much healing, but he was "healed" through surgery...
Thanks again for believing God with us.
Ralph and Ruth