Employment Opportunity - Lead Pastor

North Shore Alliance Church is searching for an experienced Lead Pastor who has a strong sense of pastoral calling to shepherd and lead our church community to achieve its God-given sense of mission and vision.

We seek a leader who is able to inspire and motivate people and equip them to be sincere Christ-followers and influencers in a post-Christian culture. Regardless of his/her age, he/she needs to be effective in ministry to a congregation with a wide demographic profile.

A collaborative leadership style with skills to nurture a team leadership environment is highly valued within our church community.

Please consult the Lead Pastor Search Profile for a comprehensive picture of North Shore Alliance Church and description of the type of Lead Pastor the church is seeking.

Only candidates with resumes meeting NSAC Pastoral Search Team criteria will be contacted.

Salary range for this position is $100,000-$110,000 per year.

Click Here for the Job Description

Please send cover letters and resumes to Dev Hildebrand, Search Team Chair – email: searchchair@shaw.ca.

Please CC to District Superintendent Mark Peters – markp@pacificdistrict.ca


Volunteer Opportunities

There are many opportunities to volunteer at NSA! Some of the areas you could help with include:

  • Sunday Morning - Greeters, Ushers, Coffee Bar, or Welcome Desk Hosts
  • Kids, Preteen or Youth Ministry Leaders
  • Nursery Workers
  • Worship Team - Singers and/or Musicians
  • Sound and/or Media Techs
  • Hospitality
  • Outreach Events
  • Gardening
  • Building Maintenance
  • Décor
  • Library

If you are interested in volunteering at NSA, please speak with a Pastor or call the church office at 604-984-6422. We can help find an opportunity that matches your interests, skills and availability. 

* Please note that some volunteer roles have special requirements (e.g. Criminal Record Check)