1. When and how often does a Small Group meet?
Groups meet weekly, or bi-weekly, through the week in the evening for about 2 hours.
2. What happens at a Small Group?
Even though every group is a little bit different, every small group meeting makes time for friendship, studying the Bible, and praying together - not to mention food!
3. What do Small Groups study?
Groups study the Bible, chapter by chapter or dig into last Sunday's sermon with sermon discussion questions or go through a topical DVD series.
4. How can I be invited to a Small Group?
Indicate your interest to join by handing in the registration form to the church office or by sending Brendan an email at brendand@nsac.bc.ca. From there, a Small Group leader will call with an invitation!
5. Do I have to consider myself a Christian to attend?
No! Everyone is welcome who wants to commit to the Small Group's goals.