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Dear Friends of Project Samuel Zambia,

Thank you for your ongoing interest and support for Project Samuel Zambia and the amazing, empowering work being done here. Many of you are already generous donors! We have some very real current needs and are asking if you might consider sharing them with your friends and network. We are believing to see these needs met!

Current Need: Zambia is in the middle of a power crisis and we have no power 14 hours a day! Our freezers can’t keep up, we do not have light in the evenings, we have no internet and phone signal at times and we can not run our office computers and printers.  We are in urgent need of an alternative power option for necessities! A $4000 USD inverter system would run a freezer, fridge, internet, lights, and other necessities at the project.

Would you consider partnering with us, via a one-time donation, to provide an alternative power source? 

We are grateful to be doing this important work in empowering the children of Zambia, helping to break the poverty cycle, and strengthening this future generation. We couldn’t do this without your prayers and support. We are truly blessed.

- Kim & Brenden Vowell

Donate to Project Samuel through NSAC: 

Please specify that the money is for the Mission Fund re: Project Samuel Generator

  • Via Cash or Cheque
  • Via E-transfer:

Donate directly to Project Samuel:

Any questions, please contact Sofia:

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