What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?  Discover a deeper intimacy with God through your marriage.

Your marriage is much more than a union between you and your spouse.  It is a spiritual discipline ideally suited to help you know God more fully and intimately. Sacred Marriage shifts the focus from marital enrichment to spiritual enrichment in ways that can help you love your partner more.

This six session DVD course by Gary Thomas will equip us to love God more passionately, reflect the nature of his Son more precisely and fulfill God's overarching purpose for our marriages.

Join us as we listen to the DVD, reflect briefly in small groups about the teaching and spend the focus of the evening in conversation alone with your spouse while enjoying coffee, tea and dessert at a candlelit table for two!

Cost is $50/couple and includes a copy of the Sacred Marriage book.  
Course is limited to 15 couples. 

Come invest in nourishing your marriage and growing closer to God!

For more info, please contact Anne Thicke at annet@nsac.bc.ca